Georgiou Enterprises

Georgiou Enterprises

Legal and Business Consulting


Member of the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance: The Program on Corporate Governance, operating within the John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business, seeks to facilitate research and scholarship about corporate governance.  It seeks to provide a framework for research and discussion by individuals holding a wide range of views on corporate governance issues.

Robbins, Geller, Rudman & Dowd: Since 2000, Mr. Georgiou has been affiliated of counsel to the national law firm of Robbins, Geller, Rudman & Dowd, the world’s largest plaintiffs’ securities practice, and has had a leadership role in the historic litigations prosecuting financial fraud on behalf of defrauded investors at Enron, WorldCom, Dynegy, AOLTimeWarner, and UnitedHealth.


Byron Georgiou received his Bachelor of Arts degree with Great Distinction and with Honors in Social Thought and Institutions, from Stanford University in 1970 attending on an Alfred P. Sloan full academic scholarship. After a year co-founding and teaching 7th and 8th graders at the Mariposa School, which has thrived for 35 years as an alternative primary through middle school in rural Mendocino County, he attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1974. He was admitted to the California Bar in 1974 and served for one year as law clerk to the Honorable Robert F. Peckham, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and the United States District Courts for the Northern, Eastern, Central and Southern Districts of California.

Mr. Georgiou was recently appointed as one of 10 members nationally to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, which will report to the Congress in December 2010 its conclusions as to the causes of the global financial crisis.

Mr. Georgiou served from 1975-1980 in various capacities with the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board, defending the constitutionality of the law up through the United States and California Supreme Courts, and prosecuting unfair labor practice cases enforcing the collective bargaining rights of farm workers, who had been excluded from labor protection under the National Labor Relations Act.

From 1980-1983, Mr. Georgiou served as Legal Affairs Secretary to California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., responsible for litigation by and against the Governor, judicial appointments, liaison with the Attorney General, Judiciary and State Bar, legal advice to the Governor and members of his Cabinet, and exercise of the Governor's powers of extradition and clemency.

From 1983-1994, he was Managing Partner and co founder of the San Diego law firm of Georgiou, Tosdal, Levine & Smith, a general civil practice, with emphasis on litigation, appearances before executive and legislative governmental bodies, and representation of labor organizations and their members, including contract negotiations and enforcement for many California public and private sector labor organizations.

In 1994, he co-founded and served as President of American Partners Capital Group, concentrating on serving the needs of institutional investors through capital formation programs in a variety of alternative asset categories.

In 1981, Mr. Georgiou was honored as Public Official ofthe Year by the California Trial Lawyers Association and served as Chair of the Governor's Task Force on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, one of the nation's first vehicles for enacting tough drunk driver leqlslatlon, sponsored by the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). 

Mr. Georgiou has been with the Firm since 2000 and serves as the primary liaison with a number of the Firm's principal institutional clients and has been actively involved in the historic litigations securing recoveries for defrauded investors in Enron, Dynegy, AOL Time Warner and WorldCom.

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